Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nature Pics

So I took the following pictures back in April with my new Nikon D50 using a 55-200mm lens.  I'm not really a great photographer, but I love pictures of nature, so here are my first attempts!

I think this one is my favorite because of the contrast between the dirt and the bright green leaves.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Odd/Crazy Friends

So my friend called me a "mean, spiteful, disrespectful sprite" today.  (Then I might have mentioned a mean old troll...might

It totally made my day awesome. :)

We are so weird.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Naps, Migraines, and Homework

Naps are one of the bestest thing ever discovered.  You just sit there doing something and slowly realize that you are not going to be able to finish your movie or homework or whatever you were doing, so you set your glasses aside and set the alarm on your phone and fall asleep for 2 hours.  Then the alarm goes off and you are not ready to wake up, so you hit the snooze button 7 times, before realizing you still have homework to do so you better get up.  I always feel rested and happy after naps, but also very bleh too cause I just woke up.

Today I slept for like 2 hours, which was good cause I'd been up since 2:30am (work).  It was a good nap, but I still feel like I haven't slept at all cause I have an awful headache.  Jared thinks it is a migraine.  grrr.  I've had it for a good 2 days now and the only thing that has helped is sleep and hanging out in the cooler or freezer at work. weird huh? I feel weird hanging out in the cooler/freezer just cause my head hurts though, so I have been just dealing with it mainly.

I also have a bunch of homework to do...I think I'm getting it done though...depends if I ever get this post written. lol I'd forgotten that it was a week where I work with a team of students, so I was a little behind.  Hopefully everything is getting caught up though.  Anyway, I think I better go work on that homework again though.....

Wow this is an interesting can tell I'm still in the after-nap bleh stage. lol

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Awesome Picture!

Yesterday I went out with hubby to take pictures cause he has a new camera and he wanted to do that....not as much fun for me cause my camera isn't as awesome as his.  However, I did get to use his camera to take some pictures while he tried to get mine to work better, so I took as many pictures as I could as fast as I could, in hopes that one would turn out well and cause I liked the sound his camera made whenever it took a yeah.  This is my awesome pic that I took with his Canon T2i...I was happy cause it is one of the 13 he actually kept!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Funny Things Hubby Does #7

Today hubby pulled out a sourdough roll. 

He then tried to cut the top off in a way that would leave the bottom half as a bowl.

He was unsuccessful.So I laughed. hehe

Hubby then tried to stick the top of the roll back on which didn't work, so he licked it to see if it would stick.  It didn't.

He cut out the middle of the roll.  And ate it.

Hubby then put the top back on the bottom of the roll and stuffed it back into the bag of rolls.

Thankfully this whole thing struck me as really funny...or else bad things could have happened to hubby. lol

Monday, January 31, 2011

What I Like

So I haven't blogged in a while and Jared told me that I really needed to so that he would have something to read....let's see how long it takes him to discover that I have blogged! hehe (I think my evil laugh might possibly need a little work...)

Anyway, I don't really have anything I want to say so here's some things I like cause that's what I feel like talking about.  These aren't in any particular

1. coffee
2. feeling like I'm accomplishing something
3. Lilah my kitty
4. when Lilah bites Jared cause he is bugging her
5. singing at the top of my lungs in the car
6. singing at the top of my lungs everywhere else
7. spending all day reading a really good book
8. baking homemade cookies, bread, etc.
9. Jared
10. old buildings
11. sleeping til noon
12. waking up super early
13. sitting on my outside and listening to the lake and ducks
14. ducks
15. walking around barefoot
16. chocolate chip cookie dough
17. the numbers 17 and 19 (don't know why)
18. CakeWrecks
19. Epbot
20. mountains and cornfields and Oregon and Iowa
21. how green the world is sometimes
22. the way rain sounds and smells and how wet it is...makes me happy!
23. hmm i think i like the number 23 too
24. being sarcastic
25. running (course I really don't like running too so I don't know if I can officially count it...cancels itself out)
26. writing down stories from my head  I never get very far, but I really enjoy writing them.  I hope to finish one someday...
27. lazy days with no real responsibility

This isn't everything cause I like lots and lots of things and people....but its some of them :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Reason #72 why i love my hubby

As stated above, reason #72 why I love my hubby:  he allows me to play the chivalrous card.

Now I suppose I should explain the above comment...Tonight Hubby and I were working on one of his messages for church and he decided he was thirsty.  He then got up and went to the kitchen to get some ice water.
This starts an interesting conversation that is illustrated below...

Me: Honey, will you get me some water?

Hubby: Well, I was going to ask you if you wanted some, but since you asked....NO!  You have destroyed my dreams and I will never ever get you water for as long as you live! You will ask and ask and ask, but no one will ever let you near water. EVER. (ok, maybe that was a little exaggerated...a little...)

Me: Can you put ice in it too?

Hubby: You are seriously going to ask me for ice, when I just told you I wasn't getting you water?

Me: yeah...

Hubby: Why?

Me: Because you are a chivalrous hubby who loves me very much (said very sweetly with much eye lash batting)

Hubby: Are you really going to play the chivalrous card?

Me nodding while smiling....(probably somewhat creepily)

This is where Hubby looked at me like I was absolutely ridiculous and started trying to flick me with water...from 14 feet away.  Now that may sound a little crazy, but I can guarantee that the parts to follow quickly make this seem perfectly normal...

I blinked. Every single time he flicked me with water from 14 feet away.  I shut my eyes tight like I was afraid I was going to get water in them!  I couldn't help it!  I saw those fingers dripping with water, moving quickly to flick those drops in my face, so in order to save myself from getting soaked through, I continued to snap my eyes closed at the first sign of water coming towards me....even though it never came anywhere near me.

This reaction to his water flicking of course made Hubby start laughing and then me laugh, while pretending to be horrified that he would laugh at me for being cautious about his water flicking...but then the tables turned...

I caught him using drops of water off his fingers to try to water the kitchen plant, while yelling "Live!" over and over at the top of his lungs!

It was the funniest thing ever!  And when I pointed it out to him, he just kept going.  It was the funniest thing!  and the plant wasn't even dying yet!  (i'm really surprised by that too cause I do not really water it....ever...)

So after all that was done, Hubby comes back into the living room. and I got my glass of ice water.  What a sweet hubby he is!  

UPDATE: I just told Hubby that I never say mean things....he looked at me like I was lying of something and said "aren't you living in a fantasy?"  What do you think that means???!?!?